Your cocktail sir,





2004-08-27 - 3:16 p.m.

Today has not been a good day. And it�s also good that I don�t have an AK or I would perhaps be in jail. Or dead. And today has been such that really, that doesn�t seem all that bad. I love a bland diet. I have no problem sitting around with no one but myself for company. And I imagine that I could be quite creative in the shiv department. Although I think I�d rather live in one of those Senior Assisted Living Developments. Man, that would be the life. Low rent, plenty of activities. Lot�s of pudding.

Yes. Bring on the pudding.

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Zen and don't cry out loud - 2007-07-29

Zen and the stumbling rocks of fitness - 2007-07-19

- - 2007-07-11

Zen and fasting - 2007-06-20

Zen and hiccups - 2007-06-18

Guestbook Notes

Hosted byDiaryland