Your cocktail sir,





2001-09-04 - 9:09 p.m.

I don't know why I'm such a glutton for punishment but I am. I am an non-traditional student. God how I hate that. Adult Learner. The high school punks in my class think I'm lame. I'm not lame, I'm origami See what I mean? I'm thinking that it's time for me to move on. Go with my peers, share our broken colliegate dreams over a pint at a local non college themed watering hole with the other people with broken dreams. At least I don't hang out at the Student Center or go to any campus activities. Because that would be pathetic. And while I may border on that at times, I'm not actually over to that side of the fence. I had a pretty good day at work, nothing major happened, just quiet productivity, the great machine of capitolism humming its merry way ever onward. But then I had school, which sucked and on the drive home I had to deal with a crappy minivan with a "Couples for Christ" bumper sticker, there was almost some road rage happening. Almost, but I calmed down. The plant I saved at work from the garbage is thriving in the mail room. Lots of love and water. NOT THAT KIND OF LOVE SICKO. I whisper sweet nothings into it's leaves. I SAID NOT THAT KIND OF LOVE. Cheese and Rice what kind of pervert are you. Wait, don't answer that. So I feel justified for saving it. And my co-workers can't believe it's the same plant. Guilt knaws at them. I nudge it a little. Keep it fresh and raw. Remind them that today it's a plant, tomorrow it's them in the trash with the mornings coffee grounds soiling thier leaves as they lie abandoned and alone in a smelly rubber box waiting for the inevitable incineration. I'm on a all meat and dairy diet now. Yep, I love them plants. WHY DO I BOTHER WITH YOU, YA FREAK. Can't you just realize the beautty in a relationship between a man and his ficus without it turning into some perverted fantasy? I didn't think so.

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Zen and don't cry out loud - 2007-07-29

Zen and the stumbling rocks of fitness - 2007-07-19

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Zen and fasting - 2007-06-20

Zen and hiccups - 2007-06-18

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