Your cocktail sir,





2001-10-28 - 3:55 p.m.

Once, while I was living in Utah I took some cold medication that I washed down with some Crown Royal because I had a very stuffy head. I passed out in the shower and was only revived by the ice cold spray. Because I was delirious it became essential that I drive to the Flying J and get some gas for my car. I followed a Geo Metro to Bountiful, which is about 30 or so miles away. It was actually in Bountiful that I realized where I was and what I seemed to be doing. So, shaken, I pulled off the freeway and went into a Barnes & Noble, trying to fool the people that where no doubt watching me that I had intended to go there all along and that there was nothing out of the ordinary here. Once inside I was asked if I needed anything and, hoping to get rid of the people I grab the first two books that came to hand and said, No I had found what I needed. It turned out that these were two new books, both hardbacks, one by Mark Leynor titled The Tetherballs of Bougainville and David Sedaris' Naked. Both books where witty, hilarious, brilliant reads, and I lent them to friends and family members, and have brought a lot of happiness. From such bizarre beginnings. The reason that I bring this anecdote of my past up now is that's kind of how I am feeling. Stuck on autopilot. And while my own trip to Bountiful doesn't have the folsky charm and bus trip to the past of the Oscar nominated film (which I don't care what your mother says, it's crap. Albeit crap that was directed by the father in Stepford Wives) it still sticks out in my mind. So I'm just waiting for the right exit from the freeway where I can grab the first things that comes along. Because I have faith that it will also bring me happiness, like those old books of long ago. It's kind of out of character for me, but I've also been baking lately, and am being nice to the elderly, especially those in search of their pasts.

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Zen and don't cry out loud - 2007-07-29

Zen and the stumbling rocks of fitness - 2007-07-19

- - 2007-07-11

Zen and fasting - 2007-06-20

Zen and hiccups - 2007-06-18

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