Your cocktail sir,





2003-07-30 - 3:20 p.m.

I was thinking today, which is rare lately. I was thinking of making �My Movie�. Which would have all the things that I find funny and amusing, and all that in life.

It would have the soundtrack of the century. It would have included James �Laid� but unfortunately that has been covered by the American Pie people. I would destroy them for that, but I�ll just let it go. Because I�m like that sometimes. And other times, not.

So, this movie. It would have talking dogs. Because that is just funny. And people would get shot with tranquilizer darts. A rather serious moment would end as a brightly feathered dart hit a protagonist in the neck. Or a group would get up to take action, save for one member, slumbering peacefully. Perhaps talking dogs would be running with characters who would stumble, roll, and end up with their ass in the air and the aforementioned feathered dart.

I�m giggling to myself now, just thinking about it all.

I�m sure that no one would watch this movie. Well, maybe Patradino would if it was on late at night and she had gas or something. And Weetabix would go and leave early, shaking her head. And the TwoBobs would write scathing comments about it on their webpage, but still be bitter because even if it bombs, I�d still have enough left over to purchase an Audi. And Tink would sign my guestbook with a snug for every bad review. I should link those people. Should being the operative word. If they are linked, good for me. If they are not, well, I�m sorry. Consider it homework.

So, I don�t update much. Mainly because I don�t have a lot of time. Or make a lot of time. I also don�t have the most reliable internet. The dial up life is not for me. I�ve actually been plodding along at the speed of dial up it seems, at least this summer. I�m hoping once I start school in the fall I�ll manage to pull myself up out of this funk. Although it�s more of a Disco Funk than say the smell that emanates from a homeless person that has passed out from Blood Alcohol Levels.

I�ve been reading a lot of books. And not responding to emails. I�ve recently become a fan of Haruki Murakami. Which made me just give up. Very few authors have had that effect on me. Just give up writing because nothing I can do will ever compare. John Irving. Jincey Willet. And now Murakami. If you don�t know who he is, well, I�m sorry. He is a Japanese writer. Anyway, I like him. I�m also reading the Harry Potter books. Because I bow to peer pressure now. Yes, it�s true. I�m part of the pack instead of running ahead of it.

I apologize for sounding defeated. I�m not. I�m not even deflated. I just am. As tacky as that sounds.

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Zen and don't cry out loud - 2007-07-29

Zen and the stumbling rocks of fitness - 2007-07-19

- - 2007-07-11

Zen and fasting - 2007-06-20

Zen and hiccups - 2007-06-18

Guestbook Notes

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