Your cocktail sir,





2001-10-18 - 8:49 p.m.

After a week of pain, torture, irritable bowels and stomach pain, my trials are over. The chips have fallen where they will and on the bloody morning after, one tin soldier rides away. Only I'm not really leaving as I am still employed. After 4 hours in a lousy conference room waiting for the axe to fall my old boss (who is the boss of the current person I report to)came through and saved my position at the company. Rather than weep with joy and thank him profusely, I instead wept with relief that it was all over and went to school. Because I'm a sucker for punishment. Which is why I like David Lynch movies. The work around for the pesky problem of me being in line for the lay off was that HR didn't process my raise and promotion, so everyone can pretend that the offer letter didn't happen, or actually that I didn't accept it. I could have accepted it and not had a job come Monday, but I took the cowards course and so remain with gainful employ. Such a mess. It's very frustrating. And also high end drama, at least for the tech sector although there are no wizards or warrior priestesses with prophecies to fulfill and a virginity to lose for that matter. Or Vampire Slayers on black t-shirts who rather than seal the gap and save the universe, instead provie the equally valuable service of holding in the bulk that lurks behind. So tomorrow I face the envious task of soothing the bruised ego of my current boss, but I have baked goods at my disposal and I'm thinking a nice hot latte will go far to act as a salve to any open wounds left over. The ranks of my company have been decimated by todays actions, and it's going to be a challenge going forward. Because I'm still the willing corporate slave, eating the bullshit they feed us for dinner. Tally-Ho and whatnot.

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Zen and don't cry out loud - 2007-07-29

Zen and the stumbling rocks of fitness - 2007-07-19

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Zen and fasting - 2007-06-20

Zen and hiccups - 2007-06-18

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